It is always refreshing to speak with you. You really talk from the "No Spin Zone" with a clear understanding of the challenges and what it takes to build a practice. No hype, no sales pitches, just basics and a workable plan.
David I. Graber, DC, DACBSP Mountain Lakes, NJ
Just ran the stats for new pts this month - 42 so far!! That's the most ever!!! Rocking and rolling!!!! Thanks bro. your new patient programs rock!
Chris Waddell, DC Shawnee, OK
Hi Jay!,
On behalf of my children and myself, thank you for everything you are, have, and will do for us and for chiropractic. You are a great mentor and friend. You have enriched my life tremendously,
Love ya! Lara Clinton,D.C. Houston TX 281-793-9456
I'm proud to inform you that May was my best collection month ever!! New Patients: 34 TOTAL COLLECTIONS: $51,933 Many thanks!
Aaron Smith D.C. Round Rock TX
Thanks Jay,
Anytime I ask for something you follow through and deliver above and beyond, love being your client brother! :)
Dave Packer D.C. .....Virginia
Dear Jay-
Last month we collected 146k...our best month ever...! I just don't get it sometimes...I really don't...neither do they I suppose...thanks for the weekly pep talk and all of your help over the years! :)
Dr. Tim Gooing/ 949-586-8525 office
Casey Morgan DC
The training on this program is awesome! My staff and I are fired up and on purpose! We have never felt so focused, organized and ready to handle the challenges that practice always seems to throw at us. We just had our largest day in collections EVER! We are also halfway to meeting last months total collections and its only the 8th of the month.
Life is so much easier in the office having our policies and procedures nailed down. Patients are more compliant and actually happy to pay! This program takes the guess work out of everything, and if you have a question, Jay is always quick (if not immediate) to respond with a solution.
Dr Jay-
All of the things you've told me to do have worked just like you said they would. No need to reinvent the wheel.
Dr. Sterling Connell South Carolina
Hollis Helms
When I first met Dr. Jay I had been practicing for 11 years, doing ok, paying bills but not much more. After joining Jay my practice numbers doubled in one year and with in two years tripled simply by implimenting rock solid procedures. Aside from the financial benefits, I discovered that practicing in a successful office was fun!
If you want to transform your office and your life in encourage you to contact Dr. Jay. Feel free to reach out to me at any time if you have questions. 210-490-3555.
Chae Tracy-
Dr. Jay has been coaching us for many years. Running several office can be a challenge, however he has always been there for us. A call, text, or e mail. His help has been invaluable in helping us continue to grow and serve the masses. Thanks always to Dr. Jay for your service to us and the betterment of the profession.